I remember a year ago when we had the march in the city. This pic I found in my office drawer and now it sits on my wall, to keep a reminder of what has transpired since then.
Right now we are in the midst of arranging a campaign that will reach across the province, reaching men in eleven towns in the rural areas of the western cape.
It is a crazy juggle of exciting and challenging logistical proportions, but I believe it is a landmark event in the country.
I do not know of a wider, more far-reaching programme for men that has happened in SA before.
We are also promoting the One man can campaign, joining the spread of this message, check out the logo:
This campaign has a central toolkit which contains lots of goodies to apply when working with men.
Check it out at www.genderjustice.org.za
As for our roadshow for 16 days...
Watch this space!