Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Recently I have been requested to tell the story of how all of this began.

It links well with the success of the production at the old zoo mentioned below so I thought it's good to include here.

I was employed within an organization serving mainly women and children in poverty stricken areas. As many other organizations, the need was identified to work with the men in the families and areas surrounding the women and children we were serving. I have always had a passion for african music, especially male voice choirs. I belonged to a group for about a year, the only white man in a group of wonderful black friends. I remember this being my introduction to the world I was not very familiar with of the townships. We rehearsed in a little room at the back of a police station. I learnt the value of music in uniting and empoering people. This was obviously the first memory which came to mind when I was confronted with the dilemma of involving men in a positive way with their communities. Doing grassroots research, or put in another way, exploring the townships and the people we were serving I asked around if any of these choirs exist. Not surprisingly the answer was a resounding YES! I approached the groups and discussed the potential of them working with boys. I was moved and touched when I heard they are already doing this. My dream had found a perfect match. Unfortunately the organization I was working with at that stage did not support this initiative. Their reasoning was that it does not immediately and directly involve all the women and children they are serving. The groups of singing men only overlapped with some of the neighborhoods. This however did not deter us. We started the program with no financial support, doing sessions of intense, deep personal growth work with the men of one choir and involving the boys around them. After about a year the concept was noticed by a large NGO working in the area and they offered to support the funding process. we applied and succeeded in gaining funding. Currently we have four adult choirs working with forty boys, at least once a week. Our first cd has just been produced and our first professional stage production is currently running. The theatre is serving the middle and upper income groups of the city and the hall is full every night. This production is the pathway for these men out of poverty.

Friday, January 26, 2007



Dear Friends,

Before David Kramer left for London he persuaded me not to open my Zoo season before February as the winds blow in January! Well, we have just had the stillest January in years! I am opening with a real bang from the 1st of Feb with, "Jump the Music Train" This is the story of the extraordinary, Khayelitsha United Mambazo. It tells the story of their migration from the Eastern Cape homelands, to the shacks of Cape Town. Theirs is a story of wonder and success that has been inspirational to work on. I first meet this group of 10 singers when Pieter Dirk Uys put us together at the Voorkamer Festival, which they took by storm.

We have created a show that combines the joy and beauty of Mambazo music, with the story of young man and woman's journey to Khayelitsha. " Lennox's story" is a moving and real picture of how history has created a mass movement of landless people into Cape Town. Yet, in one generation, university graduates have emerged from the shacklands.

Yes! you will taste a little township culture, and you will witness the melodic proof that 'positivity is alive', right here, in the story of the Khayelitsha United Mambazo.

The food is a real east African 3 course special : with samoosas, magic Briyanees (vegetarian and

chicken), and fresh fruit ice-cream. Simple, light and tasty, served in the safari style of

tables under the stars, seated on canvas, folding chairs.



Nicholas Ellenbogen

Astara Mwakalumbwa

and the

Khayelitsha United Mambazo

Directed by

Luke Ellenbogen

We have 3 preview shows on the 1st, 2nd and 3rd of Feb where you can have dinner in the lions cages, plus show for R120. Show only is R60. Tables must be booked urgently, as dinner numbers will be limited.The production will run through February, Wednesdays to Saturdays. Parking is much closer now and the lighting has been improved further.

To book phone 082 8463818

Saturday, January 20, 2007


I realised you might not know who we are!


Friday, January 19, 2007


As Bulelani from the Thokozani Brothers is doing up here...

Khayelitsha is busy, the summer is still hot and our work does not wait for us!

2007 is promising to be an incredibly rich year. It feels like we've been going for a month and it's actually only a week.

We've had a few conversations with the good people from the one man can campaign check out and the toolkits are ready to be implemented! Sonke is going to work with us in the first three months of the year to engage the community of Khayelitsha in a variety of ways, murals, marches, training etc.

Our friends across the province in all the towns we visited during 16 days were very motivated and I do not intend to let them down. We are working hard to get our training programme nailed down to a firm plan.

Another area we are developing is work with the boys that go to initiation school and the men that return. There are various aspects that affect health that need some awareness pre and post and we are very excited about this avenue of work.

As Pati would remind us, the area of crime and gangsterism is essential to focus on when working with men. We look forward to working with the Chrysalis academy and the salesians insitute this year.

I'm very hyped about a trip I'm going on next week with David, my regional coordinator and Marisca my colleague who manages the OVC program in Khayelitsha.

We are going to visit Umzi Wethu in Port Elizabeth, it combines wilderness work with leadership with youth at risk, it sounds amazing, watch this space for the impact.

Well, a few words to kick off the year, all I can say further is that I hope you are all well, and come and listen to our gigs!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I remember a year ago when we had the march in the city. This pic I found in my office drawer and now it sits on my wall, to keep a reminder of what has transpired since then.

Right now we are in the midst of arranging a campaign that will reach across the province, reaching men in eleven towns in the rural areas of the western cape.

It is a crazy juggle of exciting and challenging logistical proportions, but I believe it is a landmark event in the country.

I do not know of a wider, more far-reaching programme for men that has happened in SA before.

We are also promoting the One man can campaign, joining the spread of this message, check out the logo:

This campaign has a central toolkit which contains lots of goodies to apply when working with men.

Check it out at

As for our roadshow for 16 days...

Watch this space!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006


Thokozani Brothers

Khayelitsha United Mambazo

Monwabisi Brothers

Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Last week we holed up in the workshop at the craft market in the waterfront and did a powerful review of the year's work.

We came up with new goals for the year ahead, as well as a new vision statement which we are very proud of but was also the source of much debate!

So have a look and please send me your comments!

Men as Partners (Cape Town) Vision statement 2007

Healthy families that care and strive together
for responsible manhood in their community.

Goals for 2006/2007

• MAP workshops
To educate 600 men (new learners) in Khayelitsha about reproductive health and gender based violence issues through the M.A.P programme.
• Community Action Teams
To engage 150 men and 50 women in sustainable M.A.P community action teams in Khayelitsha.
• MAP Training Pathway
To develop a clear process and curriculum for training community action teams ( end of March 2007)
(MAP workshops → Training the Trainer → Community Action Teams)
• Database
To establish an active database of partners.
Finalize categories by the end of March 2007
• Condom Dispensers
To keep 30 condom dispensers full for 12 months across Khayelitsha.
• Prisons Programme
To revive and sustain Prisons programme.
• Mentorship Programme
To hold 3 mentor training camps with 30 mentors and 3 camps with boys and mentors
• Events
To do 6 events that will raise awareness about M.A.P/ health/gender issues/HOPE worldwide which reaches 6000 people as audience.
• Schools Programme
To run a year long school programme with 6 schools in Khayelitsha with 600 learners collaborating with other HOPE worldwide SA programmes.
• Support group
To keep a support going January – December 2007 in Khayelitsha for male participants of M.AP.
To improve access for men from Khayelitsha to get tested.

• Rural programme
To deliver MAP training and capacity workshops from January 2007 to December 2007 in partnership with Menstrust South Africa with local forums on Health and reduction of GBV in the following towns:

• George
• Swellendam
• Caledon
• Beaufort-West
• Laingsburg
• Worcester
• Paarl
• Malmesbury
• Vredendal
• Vredenburg

As you can see it is big year ahead, but we are rearing to go!